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Beth's Story

My fifth pregnancy and birth was everything I dreamed about and prayed for. I had prepared myself mentally and in my heart to have an amazing birth as this would be my last. My labor consistently started around 5am after using clary sage oil the day before and through out the night. My contractions started to intensify around 5:30-6 and I had called Pam to let her know that I was pretty sure it was time. Pam headed over and set up everything. It was such a peaceful time. A group of sweet friends awaiting the arrival of me sweet girl. We chatted and talked between contractions. My kids went to be with a friend around 8:00 while I was in labor. Things started to pick up shortly after that as though my body knew it could fully submit to labor after I knew they were settled. My contractions become more intense and I started to have to breathe down into them. Naturally I started to do the deep moans as I breathed her down. I moved to the floor when I felt the urge to push. I began to push her down with the contractions. I could feel her descending. Pam checked me at one point to see how dilated I was and I was only 8.5-9cm but my cervix was very soft. I decided to blow through and push her out as I continued to dilate as she progressed. I pushed for 10-15 minutes all while listening to Pam encourage me. “I can do this” I said to myself. Pam’s confidence in me and her strong support was tangible. My sweet girl arrived in my arms at roughly 9:35 and I was blown away by how amazing my birth was. Everything I visualized it to be happened. Jesus was there. My amazing midwife and her assistant, my photographer, my husband, and my mother, all there to welcome our sweet Selah into the world.

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8180 Regent Pkwy. Ste #104 Fort Mill, SC 29715

Available between 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

       803.619.6710          704.731.0867

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